Ok, so I've been sucking about posting the past couple of days. Not feeling well, combined with being super busy has, unfortunately, put the blog on the back-burner. But today, something amazing happened...my superpowers were renewed by the presence of the sun! That's right, the sun was actually shining when I woke up this morning--I know I've talked about this before, but I really am in such a better mood when the sun in shining--I wasn't even planning on going onto campus today, but here I am, and I don't even regret my decision (granted it is early and I haven't started my dreaded coding yet, but I'm going to try to stay positive!). So I'm sitting at my desk, enjoying my spoon-cut bagel with a DMD (Diet Mountain Dew, for all you newbies out there!) and will share with you my past few outfits.
Let's start with Sunday...I don't think since I've began this challenge that I've actually worn "normal clothes" on a Sunday...and this time was no exception. I felt awful, but had to go run some errands, so I sported my MSU School of Criminal Justice sweatshirt (won from a raffle at Alpha Phi Sigma--free is always the best!), some black leggings, and my new Minnetonka moccasins!!!! I received a pair for Christmas from my parents, and apparently I've inherited my mother's "one foot is bigger than the other" syndrome, and they didn't fit :( I've been on the hunt for a better-fitting pair, and Macy's just happened to have some, and they were 50% off, none the less. Now, I just want to clarify--I WAS NOT shopping. I was exchanging a Christmas gift, definitely NOT the same thing! :)
Go Green-Go White!
Since last week was "Inspiration Week", I wanted to introduce to you what this week's theme is. I received a request from my BFF Jenna, who asked me:
"so my request... i now live in the world of wearing teacher clothes everyday, and my wardrobe is boring & full of sweaters & dress pants. im struggling to wear cute clothes because i have to keep things pretty conservative for school. ideas? :) and/or how can i incorporate my "going out" clothes into my teacher outfits (while keeping this appropriate for school)? haha ive been thinking a lot about this"
I think this is an issue everyone deals with: when your job requires you to dress conservatively, how are you able to still have fun with fashion, while still following the dress code? I've dealt with this a lot, especially working within a lot of government agencies, where the standard outfit seems to either be an officer's uniform, or simple shirt and pants. There is no way I could keep wearing the same old boring thing day in and day out., so I've had to get creative when it comes to work clothing.
J--I'm determined to try and help you out, and if I fail, I'll take you shopping in a few weeks and we'll have a fashion show with everything in your closet (ok, we should do this anyways, but still :P )
The first thing I want to start with are a few basics I think every woman should own:
1.) A tailored, or well-fitted suit
2.) A pencil skirt
3.) A black dress
If you have these three things, all you have to do is add fun accents and accessories, and you can create so many different, fun outfits! (suit and skirt: limited.com; dress: gap.com)
Problem #1: "I rock the basic black cardigan WAY too much"
Solution: Add a fun color underneath and some accessories
Yesterday I decided to wear a simple leopard-print black cardigan. Usually I wear something black underneath it, but wanted to show how just the simple inclusion of color can change an entire outfit. This outfit also shows how you can bring in a texture that you may not think would be appropriate (i.e. animal print) and how you can tone it down with a basic solid.
Add a few accessories (I chose my Michael Kors watch--bought at TJ Maxx, a few rings, and my beautiful new bracelet from Andy for Christmas--he KNOWS how much I love purple!), and this is a perfect way to update the plain, old cardigan. To use the basics from above, I would suggest either wearing this with the pencil skirt or the pants from the suit. Possibly add a sparkly belt to add a little more something to the outfit!
Problem #2: I always wear the same combination of clothing!
Solution: Play around with colors and different patterns
There seems to be two categories of clothing in a woman's closet--patterns and solids. I've noticed this a lot in my closet, and have struggled in the past being comfortable enough to mix and match slightly contrasting colors/patterns. I've gotten a lot of advice from fashion magazines (InStyle is GREAT for this), so I've tried to branch out and have some fun with this.
Today's outfit is going to show three different outfits: one patterned top, with three different sweater options.
Option #1: Blouse, with a contrasting bright cardigan (Crimson)--what I normally wear with this blouse
Option #2: Textured blouse, with a textured cardigan (leopard print) --Bold choice
(Cardigan: Gap)
Option #3: Showing another option of a different contrasting bright cardigan (Royal Blue)--what I wore today
(Cardigan: Old Navy)
This just goes to show you how you can take one blouse, and create three different outfits with it, with each one looking slightly different--this way you can continually rotate the same shirt, but aren't getting bored with the same color combination. My suggestion is to play around with different combinations--such as I never would have thought to combined this blouse with the leopard cardigan, but I think the colors and patterns work. I mean, don't go WAY out in left field paring polka dots with zebra stripes or anything like that, but don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and have some fun! Also, this would go great with either dress pants or the pencil skirt :)
Again too, if you're getting bored with your outfit choices, ALWAYS play around with different accessories, they are the simplest way to update any ensemble. I added my "Las Vegas" necklace ( memento from last summer), and my rose ring (of course it's purple, I told you it's my favorite color!). Just simple additions like this can do wonders to any outfit!
Ring: Forever 21
I'm almost done, I promise (God, this has been a long post--I should try to keep up!). Besides accessories, another way you can change up an outfit is to try different hairstyles. Now, I am in no way a hair expert (in fact, I'm quite challenged in the area--what you get growing up with a mom who has short hair!), but for today's outfit, even a simple change from wearing my hair down, to wearing it in a funky bun, changes the overall concept from sweet to a little bit edgy...
I parted my hair down the middle, and then took only the front half and set it off to the side. I took the remaining hair in the back and put it into a bun. I took the front half and french braided each side, continuing the braid all the way down to the end. I then tucked both braids into the bun, to create a different twist on the basic bun....
More suggestions to come! J--I'm sorry I haven't shown these outfits with dress pants or skirts, but it's been cold, and I haven't wanted to walk onto campus like that! I'll do better the rest of the week!
And just one more pic--just to show you how beautiful and stylish Miss J is:
Getting ready to go to Heather's wedding :)