Well, I've done it--as of today, March 9, 2012, I have officially worn something different from my closet every day for the past two months! I know, this seems like a minute challenge, but for some reason, I'm oddly proud of this! It took a lot of planning, thinking outside the box for some outfits, and just learning to appreciate what I have in my closet. Now, that's not to say I haven't been shopping since my one-month challenge of that ended...but when I do go shopping now, I find myself being much more selective, second-, even triple-guessing myself, wondering if I REALLY need this piece to add to my closet, or if it's just a "spur of the moment" purchase? I'm starting to think more in terms of staples, and save those fun pieces for Forever 21 or other low-priced stores that I don't feel so bad purchasing something I may only wear for a season. So if you're ever interested in having some fun with your clothes, I highly recommend trying your own "Closet Challenge"...whether it be for a month, two weeks, or even a couple of days...you'll gain a greater appreciation for what you have, and look sexy and fine doing it!
Got back from Vegas early this morning--took the red eye, sitting next to a man who apparently felt the arm rest of optional and definitely invaded my personal space bubble way too much during the flight! And all while I was out there, I kept hearing how nice the weather was back home--50's, even 60's, so I was kind of excited. Should have known when the moment I stepped off the plane I could see my breath, and had to drive home in a partially-blinding snow storm that I don't get to enjoy the nice weather! But oh well, it was nice while it lasted.
And now, picture time! Just a few random shots, but by now you should know just how random I am, both in life and every day details! :)
Every girl's favorite 'little box', right?? I finally got to go and purchase my first piece of Tiffany's jewelry (I have other pieces, just always been gifts). This was my reward to myself for running the 11.5 miles (from a few posts ago) and I settled on the Paloma's Venezia Palina ring. Let's just say it was well-earned and I'll remember the run every time I wear it!
Just enjoying my "Blue-tini" at Level 107 (can see the beautiful view of the Strip in the background!) |
Our other "going out" night. I LOVE to get all dressed, so I look for any reason to go out! We went to eat at Trevi, which is located down in the Forum Shops at Caesars. It was delicious, reasonably prices, and you had a beautiful view of Dior, Dolce & Gabanna, Versace, Louis Vuitton, Ferragamo,....need I go on? (Let's just say I was in heaven!) |
Random shot, doing work at UNLV. Sporting a dress from Marshalls (love it so much, I bought it in another pattern), scarf borrowed from Georgette (thanks), and the "my hair looks like shit so I'm going to put it in a messy bun hoping it looks effortless, yet still cute" look. All girls reading this blog--I KNOW you know what I'm talking about here! :p |
And my last adventure before leaving Vegas. You get all dressed up in wind-suits (I felt it was appropriate that mine happened to be Michigan State colors!), and then you're taken into a "wind tunnel" with a giant fan in the floor, and you literally "indoor skydive". It's was awesome--I recommend it to anyone! It's such a weird feeling, but it just reinforced my want to go real skydiving! |
Happy Friday! And Go MSU and Purdue in the Big Ten Tourney--don't let me down guys!!!
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