Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Forget Diamonds--Leopard Print is a Girl's Best Friend

Sorry I've been slacking on pictures of my outfits lately--it's been a crazy week or so, and no signs of slowing down, but I did get a chance to sneak in a few this morning before I had to run off to catch the bus (which ended up being 10 minutes late--of course!).

After having to wake up at 6:30am and running around non-stop yesterday, I was excited to have the opportunity to sleep in this morning--and, of course, I wake up, look at the clock...and it's 7:30.  Tried to fall back to sleep, but gave up after about 10 minutes.  So my day started off earlier than expected, but I was in a rather good mood (surprisingly), so I decided to get a little dressed up and pick up the slack on pictures :)

I think I've mentioned this before, but since the beginning of the "Closet Challenge", I've found myself wearing items of clothing that I hadn't in a long time...and, for some reason, pushing some of my favorite pieces to the side.  I guess I keep thinking I need to keep them "in reserve" or something, like if I wear them now, I'll regret it in the future when I REALLY want to wear them--that sounds really weird, but I'm really weird in general, so I guess it works!  So, since my goal has been going two months wearing something different, and that goal is up in about 10 days, I decided to wear some of my favorite pieces from my closet.

I LOVE this vest.  I would actually choose to wear it with every outfit I put together if I could (and trust me, I've tried!)  I was leery about the whole fur vest trend in the beginning, because I didn't want to look like a yeti, but when I saw this one (suede on the outside, fur on the inside), I felt like it was the perfect balance.  It's also a great neutral color to match with almost anything.  However, if worn with black or any other dark color, it sheds, so a lint roller is a must!

My other favorite piece is this skirt.  I bought this from Victoria's Secret during a Semi-Annual sale (one of the many "fashion holidays" I celebrate!).  I have an obsession with all types of animal prints, but especially leopard.  It began when I was still in elementary school and my Aunt Kristin had a leopard comforter in the bedroom I would always stay in.  She helped breed my obsession, and although I thought I would outgrow it, here I am today (some 14 years later--ugh that makes me feel old), still loving it!  Now, I'm not someone who is going to ever be seen in head-to-toe animal print...that's just fashion suicide.  I like it as an accent piece--a dress with plain accessories, a blouse, a scarf, or here with the skirt. See how I kept everything else very plain in order to let the print stand out?  This is the key with almost any animal print--let it be the star.  Although I usually mix it with neutral colors, I am dying to wear it with red--something about the bright red and demure leopard print just screams gorgeous to me--maybe someday!!

Turtleneck: Target
Vest: Jennifer Lopez for Kohls
Skirt: PINK by Victoria's Secret
Tights: Gap
Boots: Coach
Necklaces: Vintage (top); American Eagle (charm)
Sunglasses: Andrea Jovine (Marshalls)

And here's just a few shots from my favorite view on campus :)

Monday, February 27, 2012


Words do not describe how much I look forward to the Oscars--now, I'm not someone that has to host "Oscar parties" or fills out ballots to predict the winners--I'm someone who looks forward to seeing all the gorgeous dresses and beautiful men; the excitement of "Who are you wearing?" and how all the celebs pretend like they know each other, when you in fact know that many of them are probably meeting for the first time!  Either way, this is one of my favorite nights of the year--when I was younger, I used to stake out the couch hours before, and not do anything but watch the pre-show red carpet commentary and then enjoy the awards.

Because of my severe devotion to the Oscars, and my semi-educated knowledge of fashion, I feel I am just as qualified as any those ladies (and now some guys) on Fashion Police to voice my opinion about the winners and losers of the red carpet.  I've highlights some of the highlights....and some of the "What were they thinking"--but overall, I think almost everyone looked great, Billy Crystal was an amazing host, and Meryl finally won another WELL-DESERVED Oscar.

**(And just to explain the title of this post, I have always had a little obsession with Meryl Streep, meaning I absolutely LOVE her.  She's done so much in her career, starting out strong with two Oscars in the early 80s, and has since been nominated 17 TIMES [an all-time record, by the way], and is just so versatile and resilient in every role she has tackled, it's hard not to admire her.  So, my old roommate/amazing friend Heather was giving me a pep-talk a few years ago and she told me to "Meryl-it", meaning to basically kick ass at whatever I was about to do, and this phrase has stuck with me over the years).

Karie's Fashion Police:

Top #5

#1: Meryl Streep (in Lavin)
Of course she'd be my #1--she looked beautiful
 #2: Angelina Jolie (in Atelier Versace velvet)

With a slit up to there, simple hair and plump red lips, she looked like perfection.  I would wear this dress in a heartbeat!
 #3: Rooney Mara (in Givenchy)
Ever since seeing The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, I've been in love with Rooney.  On anyone else, this dress would look awful, but on her, it works.
 #4: Giuliana Rancic (in Tony Ward)
At first I thought the top was a little "figure skater-ish", but it's very figure-flattering, unique, and the color looks great on her
 #5: Jessica Chastain (in Alexander McQueen)
I want this dress so badly!  I love Alexander McQueen--this dress looks so regal, yet is daring at the same time!  She looks absolutely gorgeous!
And now, for my Top 5 WORST looks:

#1: Kelly Osbourne (in Badgley Mischka)
Hideous--I don't care what fashion statement you're trying to make, wearing hair the color of the mane of a My Little Pony is just wrong.  She needs to be arrested by the Fashion Police 
 #2: Jane Seymour (in unknown)
Kudos to looking this great at the age of 61, but all I kept thinking about was Jessica Rabbit
 #3: Sherri Shepard (in unknown)
Anything dress that you can see your bra in is NOT acceptable for the Oscars
 #4: Shailene Woodley (in Valentino Couture)
I love her, she's super adorable, and usually I am a huge fan of long sleeves, but they need to be balanced out with a bare back, otherwise you just look like an old spinster, and unfortunately, this is what she looks like.
 #5: Cameron Diaz (in Gucci)
I love Cameron, I think she has a kick-ass body, and it's not so much that this is a bad dress, I just don't think it does her body any favors.  The color washes her out and just hugs her in all the wrong places.  I much preferred the dress she chose to wear to the Vanity Fair party (below).  Now there's a dress that shows off that amazing body and is a much better color on her!

And just for fun...this is DEFINITELY how I would react if I ever got a chance to meet Tom Cruise!!

Pictures from:

Sunday, February 26, 2012

The Little Things

Sorry I've been slacking on the posting lately--have just had a lot going on, and was sick, so those two things combined didn't bode well with taking pictures of myself in 'the day's' outfit.  But for the record, Thursday's outfit consisted of a gray suit jacket from Express, gray dress pants from Ann Taylor, black blouse from The Limited and Franco Sarto black heels--and no, this wasn't just a random choice for outfit--I had an interview :).  Friday's outfit consisted of a black/white striped sweater from Marshalls, black Express tank, AE jeans and my Minnetonkas.  Yesterday was a purple Gap sweater, AE jeans, Simply Vera motorcycle boots and Erica Lyons necklace.  Today: sweats!!!! :)  Sorry there are no pictures!

My parents came up for the weekend, and it's amazing how much you enjoying being around them when you don't get to see them often.  My parents are in no way tyrannical, but when I was in high school I kind of felt this way, and wanted nothing more than to go far away for college.  After my dreams of Pepperdine or NYU were put to rest, I settled for Purdue, which, at 4 1/2 hours away, I figured was far enough away that I would learn to gain my independence.

But what I've learned over the years, living far from home, is that you really cherish the time you get to spend with your family.  My parents have always made a note to come and visit me--not much, but every once and a while.  Sometimes for a football or basketball game, sometimes to go to Breakfast Club, and sometimes, like this weekend, to do absolutely nothing but enjoy spending time together.  And that's exactly what we did.  I can honestly say that the best thing I ever did for the relationship I have with my parents was move away--I may not come home or see them often, but when I do, I appreciate all they do and all they have done for me.  So thanks Mom and Dad--Love you more than you know :)

Here's just some pictures from this weekend!

This place was unbelievable!  Also, it was like shopping on Black Friday--by the end, I was seriously ready to hurt someone.

In the words of Rachel Zoe: "I die"

Our giant martini glass filled with yummy bruschetta!  I wanted to steal it for drinks later!

My awesome parents :)

My dad and I--with our free "Black Haus" shot

We yelled at her for not taking advantage of free alcohol, so she went and spun the wheel 

More "Black Haus" :)
And just some random shots:

I don't know if Sparty's suppose to be going "Number 1", or holding up an "L" for "Loser"---I'm voting loser!

This is the most amazing energy drink ever!!!  I first became addicted when I was working at a golf course right after high school.  The only place I've found it sold consistently is in Las Vegas--but I've occasionally found it in random places--including finding it at the bookstore right down the street!  I got a little too excited in the store :)

Hope everyone had a fantastic weekend--I'm going to spend the rest of the day reading about Sex Offender Registry restrictions and watching the Oscars!!!  Ask anyone you know, I get WAY TOO EXCITED for the Oscars!  It's like the Super Bowl to me!  So tomorrow, I'll be dedicated the post to my own "Fashion Police", ranking my favorites, and not so favorites from the read carpet!   Oh, and GO MERYL!!!!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Freedom's Just Another Word for Nothing Left To Lose

I apologize for such boring posts this week--it's been a pretty dull week.  My days are filled with mundane activities--I wake up and either go for a run or go straight to my office, code data all day long, maybe go to some fitness classes after, then go home and do work the rest of the night.  Sound boring?  That's because it is!

One of the bright moments in my day is getting to experiment with the clothes in my closet--let's me jump start my creative side. Today's outfit I've never worn together before.  I started out with wanting to wear the skirt, and then just searched and grabbed pieces I felt would go together.  A little "prairie" look, which goes along with my Janis Joplin lyrics above (well, she's more of a hippie, but still, free-spirit look :P ).  I love this skirt because it has such a unique tribal pattern, but also because you can wear it with so many different colors.  I've worn it in the past with cream, black and even a gray-teal color.  It's a nice skirt that can easily transfer from casual day-wear (worn with flats) to going out (pair with heels)

And a special shout-out to the boots!  Ever since I was a little kid, I've always wanted to find one of those pencils or mini-state license plates or key chains that had my name on it...but because my parents had to go all "special spelling" on me, the only ones I ever see are "Carrie" or "Kerry" or "Kari".  Even to this day, I always check, just to see, even though I know I will never find my spelling.  I'm telling you all this because one night last fall, I was online-browsing at Target.com and randomly happen upon  these boots (below)...notice the name of them????  I seriously went crazy for a few seconds, because I have NEVER seen my name, and knew I had to buy them (thank God they were actually cute boots, but to be honest, I probably would have gotten them even if they weren't!).  So these boots will always have a special place in my heart <3

Top: Banana Republic Outlet
Skirt: Forever 21
Tights: Gap
Boots: Target
Necklace: American Eagle
Bracelets: Fossil and Simply Vera

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Real Talk, Real Life, Good Luck, Good Night

Going with the  army fatigue-look today!  I've had this dress for a couple of years and don't wear it as often as I should. It's a good neutral color, and I've even seen it worn open with jeans, but I've yet to wear it like that.  It's a little too boxy on it's own, so I usually feel a belt is necessary.  Decided to go with two today, and just twisted them up and attached in the front for a little something different.  Although I'm breaking one of my cardinal rules of not wearing brown with black, I feel it's ok today :)

Dress: Gap
Tank: American Eagle
Belts: J Crew
Leggings: Simply Vera
Boots: Target
Cuff: Ann Taylor

**Post title: lyrics from Who You Are--Jessie J

Monday, February 20, 2012

Thanks Come Again!

It's amazing how just the tiniest little thing can brighten up your day...whether it be hearing your favorite song on the radio, seeing someone on the walk of shame, or finding a handwritten message on your coffee cup.  Just seeing "Thanks Come Again" written in crayon made my day.  This is why I always try to do something nice for someone else every day--holding the door for a complete stranger, a random smile, etc...may not seem like much to you, but may mean a lot to someone else!

So spread the joy today, and have a great Monday!

And yes, I know it's backwards and my eyes look a little funky--but it's the best I could do!
Monday's Outfit:
Shirt: New York & Company
Shawl: Gap
Jeans: Express
Boots: Simply Vera motorcycle boots

Sunday's Outfit (by the way, I am on day 43 of wearing something different everyday!  Goal is to get to two months!)

 Blouse: Banana Republic Outlet (bought this in blue as well, loved it so much)
Tank: Charlotte Russe or Forever 21--don't quite remember
Jeans: Gap
Flats: Nine West
Necklace: Vintage
Ring: Made from the buttons from blouse I purchased Saturday

Saturday, February 18, 2012

"Thrifty" Saturday

Since my ban on shopping has been lifted, I've been dying to go shopping.  Not so much at the mall, but I miss going to my thrift stores.  So, woke up today, watched a little SpongeBob (it's pretty good, especially on a Saturday morning), and got ready to go "thrifting".  I bought this dress at the Gap Outlet out in Vegas this past fall, and it's been a favorite of mine ever since.  I love the contrasting patterns and the little hint of we'll call it "salmon" in the middle.  I have yet to wear this during the summer, but it's the perfect "light, airy" dress.  As for the jean jacket, I seriously think I've had this since middle school. Do you ever have those pieces in your closet that you feel will SOMEDAY come back in style, so you're just not willing to take the chance of getting rid of them?  Well, this is one of those pieces--and boy am I glad I didn't get rid of it!  It's the perfect cropped jacket in the perfect denim shade.  I've never actually seen a jean jacket since that I've liked, so go middle school-me for having such good taste!

Jacket: American Eagle
Dress: Gap Outlet
Tights: Gap
Boots: Minnetonka

Earrings: Nine West (Gold feather droplets)

Bracelet: Ann Taylor 

This was a good weekend for shopping and deals.  Let me just share with you what I came across during my adventures:

Friday: I received a gift card to Ann Taylor for Christmas and have been dying to go shopping there.  I saw in an email that all their sale selections were take an additional 50% off--this is the best time to go shopping here--any other time, there is no way I can afford their clothing.

I went to Ann Taylor back when their fall collection first came out, and became obsessed with this midnight-blue/black lace dress.  To me, this is the definition of beautiful.  And you know me and my obsession with lace.  I literally remember just gazing at it and saying "wow" under my breath.  But as soon as I saw the $230 price tag, I sadly walked away.

Well, it must have been my lucky day...because I found the dress (which has been sold out online for months), in my size, marked down to $169, and with the additional 50% off (and an additional 15% off, because I argued there was some "snagging" of the lace), this dress came to $72.  This may still seem like a lot, but with something this well made, I don't mind spending a little more.  I'm so excited to wear this baby out!

I also bought two pairs of dress pants (orig. $98, purchased for $25 each) and the bracelet I wore today (see above), which was originally $58, marked down to $7.99.  Overall, I would say job well done at Ann Taylor!

When I go vintage shopping, all three of the shops I stop at are on the same street, so I start with the furthest one down (Goodwill) and work my way back.  Nothing good at Goodwill today (haha), so went to Volunteers of America Thrift Shop.  This place is huge, and nothing is separated by size, so you're stuck sorting through every single rack.  Sometimes I'm in the mood to browse, other times, it annoys the hell out of me and I have no patience.  Today I was ok, and happened upon an odd-80's looking silver jacket.  At first I browsed right over it, but something made me take a closer look.  I tried it on, and it had a weird penguin coattail thing going on, definitely not the most fashionable thing.  But what intrigued me were the pearl buttons.  I remembered I still had a bunch of ring bases, and decided I wanted to make rings out of the buttons.  The jacket was only $3.99, so I figured that was a pretty good deal.

Next, I went to St. Vincent Thrift store--this was my first time here, and I was pleasantly surprised.  I toyed with the idea of buying a Dennis Basso fur coat ($40), but then I realized I'm not yet 60 (the age at which I pictured myself looking while wearing the jacket), so I turned away.  I did, however, find some interesting pieces of vintage jewelry.

This first piece caught my eye as being a unique piece.  I LOVE find pieces that you know are 'one of a kind'.  The pieces looked like little eggs, with a hint of silver/rose gold filament in the center.  It also came with a matching pair of earrings--although I'm not about matching my jewelry, but the earrings are unique as well.  Both of these came to $8.

I also found this unique pearl necklace.  I loved the "old" look it had to it, and how the pearls are off-white.  Another plus was that all the rhinestones are still intact in the pendant, which is often times not the case in vintage pieces.  When worn, the pearls drape in a layered-effect, with the pendant falling nicely to the side.  The woman at the counter told me this necklace suited my face, as the pearls look nice with my complexion.  I told her that's because I'm so white that the pearls stand out that much more!  Either way, I fell in love, and for $12, it was a steal.

Here's a question for anyone out there who's reading my little blog:

What are your favorite places to "thrift" shop?  And what are some of your favorite pieces that you've found?  

Please feel free to share!!! :)
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