Every girl should own a little black dress--no if's, and's or but's--it needs to be a part of your wardrobe, end of story. Why might you ask? Because it works for every occasion--day wear, work wear, night out, date night, etc...see, you get so many uses out of one piece of clothing. And to top it all off, basic black is perfect to wear with almost every color (I'm still on the fence about brown with black...), so you can literally create an endless amount of outfits.
Problem #4: How do I change up my 'little black dress' for work, so it doesn't look like I'm always wearing the same thing?
Now, not everyone may have these accessories, but here are just a few options to update this classic basic:
Option #1: Pair with a light, flowy cover-up
Dress: Gap; Tights: Gap; Shoes: Franco Sarto; Jacket: Target; Necklace: BCBG |
Option #2: Instead of just wearing a jacket, zip it up, and add a chunky necklace (below)
Jacket: Gap |
Necklace: Vintage (my great-grandma's) |
Option #3: Add a pastel open-faced jacket, with layered necklaces
Jacket: Gap |
Necklaces: Beaded (made it myself--beads from Hobby Lobby); Pendant: Vintage (my great-grandma's) |
Option #4: Wear a blouse UNDERNEATH the dress, add a belt
Blouse: New York & Company; Belt: Banana Republic
Ring: Made by me--will show in a later blog :) |
Option #5: Wear a longer cover-up, and belt it
Cover-up: Calvin Klein; Belt: Banana Republic |
This is just a handful of ideas you can do with a simple black dress. All you need are a few cover-ups, a belt, some accessories, and you can create many new outfits!
And just to document today's outfit:
Jacket: Gap; Tank: Express; Necklace: I made it!; Jeans: Gap; Shoes: Nine West |
A little detail on the watch: First, I want to make a little caveat--I am in NO WAY a "mushy-gushy" person--I am not a fan of chick-flicks...and my boyfriend and I like to play a game where we make vomit noises every time we do something all "lovey-dovey". Now, with that said, I can explain why I like this watch so much. Andy and I have been dating for over five years, and for the past year and a half, we've had to deal with long distance (I'm in grad school in Michigan, he's in grad school in Las Vegas)--it's not easy, but we have found ways to try and make it work.
Anyways, I found this watch online at Urban Outfitters, and I fell in love with it. Each face can be set to it's own individual time, so you can wear two different time zones. This is as mushy as I'm going to get, but I love the fact that I have "Michigan-time" on top, and "Vegas-time" on the bottom--makes me feel a little closer to him, even if we're still 2000 miles away. Sometimes it's the little this that make a difference :)
Watch: Urban Outfitters |
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